Two podcasters in headphones laughin while recording audio podcast

Subscribe to an RSS Feed to Save Time!

A client walked into the office, frustration etched across their face. They had been struggling to keep up with the local business community’s news and updates, feeling overwhelmed by the sheer volume of information scattered across different websites. Each morning, they would spend hours manually checking for updates, often missing important events and announcements. Clearly, this haphazard approach was not sustainable, and they were desperate for a more efficient solution.

After listening to their concerns, we introduced the concept of RSS feeds, explaining how these could aggregate content from multiple sources into one convenient place. We demonstrated how to set up an RSS feed reader, showing them how to Subscribe to an RSS Feed to the websites and blogs that mattered most to their business. Step by step, they learned how to customize their feed, filtering out irrelevant information and focusing on the updates that would keep them ahead in their industry. The client was astonished at the simplicity and effectiveness of this tool, realizing how much time they could save.

Subscribe to an rss feed to keep track of relevant news.
Subscribe to an rss feed to keep track of relevant news.

In the following weeks, the client’s approach to staying informed transformed utterly. No longer bogged down by endless web searches, they received timely updates directly to their feed reader. This newfound efficiency allowed them to focus more on their business operations and less on information gathering. They were now always in the loop about the local business community, attending key events and seizing opportunities as they arose. The client’s satisfaction was palpable, as they thanked us for teaching them a skill that streamlined their workflow and significantly enhanced their professional life.

Christopher Ross

How to Subscribe to an RSS Feed

Choose an RSS Reader

Selecting an RSS reader or aggregator is the first step in harnessing the power of RSS feeds for efficient content consumption. Web-based services and standalone applications offer diverse options for individual preferences and needs. Platforms like Feedly, Inoreader, and NewsBlur are popular among users seeking web-based RSS readers. These platforms provide user-friendly interfaces, customizable features, and seamless synchronization across devices, allowing users to subscribe to an RSS Feed from anywhere with an internet connection.

The choice of RSS reader or aggregator depends on individual preferences, workflow, and device compatibility. Some users may prioritize cross-platform compatibility and cloud synchronization, while others may prefer standalone applications for their native integration and offline access. Regardless of the chosen platform, the goal remains to streamline content consumption and stay informed about the latest updates from favourite websites, blogs, and online publications. By selecting the right RSS reader or aggregator, users can unlock the full potential of RSS feeds and enhance their digital content experience.

Subscribing to the RSS Feed

Find the RSS Feed

Rss feed icons can be found on most websites.
RSS Feed icons can be found on most websites.

Finding an RSS feed on a website can vary depending on its structure and whether it supports RSS syndication. Typically, if a website offers an RSS feed, you’ll find a small orange icon with the letters “RSS” or “XML” somewhere on the page. This icon often appears in the website’s header, footer, or sidebar. Clicking on the RSS icon will usually take you to the RSS feed URL, where you can subscribe to an RSS feed using an RSS reader or aggregator.

If you cannot locate an RSS feed icon on a website, you can manually append “/feed” or “/rss” to the end of the URL in your browser’s address bar. This may lead you to the website’s RSS feed URL, allowing you to subscribe to an RSS feed directly. However, remember that not all websites support RSS syndication, so you may not always find an RSS feed available.

Unless disabled, all WordPress websites include an RSS feed, you can view it by adding /feed/ to the URL. For example, will display the RSS feed for my website.

Creating an RSS feed for your website or blog is relatively straightforward, especially if using a content management system like WordPress. Most CMS platforms automatically generate RSS feeds for your website’s content, which can be accessed by appending “/feed” or “/rss” to your website’s URL. If you’re using WordPress, you can customize your RSS feed settings by navigating to the “Settings” > “Reading” section of your WordPress dashboard. From there, you can specify the number of items to include in your feed, the format of the feed, and other customization options.

For websites or blogs built without a CMS, you may need to create an RSS feed manually using XML markup. This involves generating an XML file containing metadata about your website’s content, such as titles, descriptions, publication dates, and links. Once you’ve created the XML file, you’ll need to upload it to your website’s server and link to it from your website’s HTML code. While making an RSS feed manually requires more technical know-how, it provides greater flexibility and control over the content and formatting of your feed.

Copy the Feed URL

When you click on the RSS icon or link, you’ll be directed to a page displaying the RSS feed in XML format. Copy the URL from the address bar of your browser. You’ll use This feed URL to subscribe to an RSS feed in your chosen RSS reader.

Subscribe to Your RSS Reader:

Open your RSS reader and look for an option to add a new feed or subscription. This option is typically labelled “Add Feed,” “Subscribe,” or “Follow.” Paste the feed URL you copied into the provided field and follow the prompts to complete the subscription process.

Subscribe to an rss feed to keep up to date on podcasts and more.
Subscribe to an RSS feed to keep up to date on podcasts and more.

Organize Your Feeds

Organizing your RSS feeds into categories or folders within your RSS reader can significantly streamline your reading experience. By creating separate folders for different types of content, such as news, blogs, or podcasts, you can quickly locate and access the information you are interested in. This organizational structure helps you stay focused and avoid feeling overwhelmed by various sources’ sheer volume of updates.

Moreover, categorizing your RSS feeds allows you to prioritize your reading based on your interests or preferences. For example, you can have a folder dedicated to industry news to stay on top of for work. In contrast, another folder can be reserved for leisurely reading material like lifestyle blogs or personal interests. This way, you can ensure that you are consuming the most relevant and valuable content.

In addition to improving the efficiency of your RSS feed management, organizing your subscriptions into categories can also help you discover new sources of information. By grouping similar feeds, you may notice patterns or trends in the content you consume, leading you to explore related topics or niche publications that you may not have considered before. This can broaden your horizons and expose you to various perspectives and ideas.

Taking the time to categorize and organize your RSS feeds can enhance your reading experience and make it more enjoyable and productive. Whether you are a casual reader or a content curator, having a structured system can help you make the most of your RSS subscriptions and stay informed and engaged with the topics that matter most to you.

Automating Web Marketing with RSS Feeds

Integrating RSS feeds with automation platforms like Zapier or IFTTT can significantly enhance productivity and streamline workflows by automating tasks based on changes in RSS feed content. These platforms allow users to create “Zaps” or “Applets” that trigger actions in response to specific conditions or events, including new items in an RSS feed. Users can automate various tasks by connecting RSS feeds to other apps and services, from social media posting and email notifications to data synchronization and file management.

Subscribe to an rss feed to get al the news  delivered to your email.
Subscribe to an RSS feed to track updates and changes to website.

To set up an RSS feed integration on Zapier, users begin by creating a new Zap and selecting RSS as the trigger app. They then specify the trigger event, such as “New Item in Feed,” and provide the URL of the RSS feed they want to monitor. Once the trigger is configured, users can choose from various actions based on the RSS feed update, such as sending an email, creating a new task in a project management tool, or posting a message in a Slack channel.

Similarly, IFTTT allows users to create applets that connect RSS feeds to various other apps and devices, enabling seamless automation of tasks across different platforms. Users can choose from a wide range of RSS-related triggers and actions within the IFTTT ecosystem, allowing flexibility and customization in how RSS feed updates are utilized. For example, users can set up applets to automatically share new blog posts from an RSS feed to social media platforms, save articles to a read-later service, or send notifications to their smartphone when specific keywords are mentioned in news articles.

Integrating RSS feeds with Zapier or IFTTT opens up possibilities for automating tasks and streamlining workflows. Whether it’s staying updated on industry news, managing content distribution, or automating repetitive tasks, these automation platforms empower users to leverage the power of RSS feeds in innovative and efficient ways, ultimately saving time and increasing productivity.

Using RSS Feeds to Curate Content

Curating content is a valuable strategy that can help blogs cater to local markets or target specific interests, such as women in tech or business networking. By curating content, blog owners can gather and share relevant information from various sources, providing their audience with a comprehensive and diverse range of content. This keeps readers engaged and helps establish the blog as a go-to resource for valuable information in a particular niche.

How to Subscribe to an RSS Feed to Curate Content

Using RSS feeds to curate content is an effective way to stay updated with industry news, monitor competitors, and gather relevant information for your audience. Here’s a simplified process in five steps:

  1. Identify Relevant RSS Feeds: Start by identifying RSS feeds from reputable sources, blogs, news websites, and industry publications that publish content relevant to your niche or audience interests. Look for RSS icons or links labelled “RSS” on websites.
  2. Choose an RSS Feed Reader: Select a RSS feed reader or aggregator tool that suits your needs. Popular options include Feedly, Inoreader, and Flipboard. These tools allow you to subscribe to multiple RSS feeds and organize content in one place.
  3. Subscribe to RSS Feeds: In your chosen RSS feed reader, subscribe to an RSS feed you identified in step 1 by copying and pasting the feed URL or using the search function within the reader to find and add feeds.
  4. Organize and Filter Content: Organize your subscribed feeds into categories or folders based on topics, keywords, or sources. Use filters and search functions within the RSS reader to prioritize content most relevant to your interests or audience.
  5. Curate and Share Content: Review the latest updates from your RSS feeds regularly. Curate content by selecting articles, blog posts, or news items that are valuable, informative, and aligned with your content strategy. Share curated content through your channels such as social media, newsletters, or blog posts, giving credit to the source.

One of the key benefits of content curation is that it allows bloggers to tap into the expertise and knowledge of others in their industry. Bloggers can offer their audience a well-rounded perspective on a particular topic by sharing articles, videos, or infographics created by experts. This can help build credibility and trust with readers, as they see the blog as a reliable source of information curated from reputable sources.

How IFTTT Can Subscribe to RSS Feeds to Curate Content Automatically

IFTTT (If This, Then That) is a powerful automation tool that allows you to connect different apps and services, including subscribing to RSS feeds to curate content automatically. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to set this up:

  1. Create an IFTTT Account and Log In: If you haven’t already, sign up for an IFTTT account and log in to your account.
  2. Create a New Applet: Once logged in, click on your profile icon at the top right corner and select “Create” to create a new applet.
  3. Set Up the Trigger (If This):
    • Click on “+ Add” next to “If This” to choose a trigger service. Search and select “RSS Feed” as the trigger service.
    • Choose the “New feed item” trigger event to receive updates whenever a new item is published on the RSS feed you want to monitor.
    • Enter the RSS feed URL of the website to which you want to subscribe to an RSS feed. Make sure it’s the direct URL of the RSS feed.
  4. Set Up the Action (Then That):
    • After setting up the trigger, click on “+ Add” next to “Then That” to choose an action service. You can select any service where you want to curate or save the content from the RSS feed.
    • For example, choose “Pocket” as the action service to automatically save new items from the RSS feed to your Pocket account.
    • Connect your Pocket account and customize any additional settings (e.g., tags, archive options) to save the content.
  5. Review and Activate the Applet: Review the details of your applet to ensure everything is set up correctly. Give your applet a name that reflects its purpose (e.g., “Save RSS Feed Updates to Pocket”) and click on “Finish” to activate the applet.

How Zapier Can Subscribe to RSS Feeds to Curate Content Automatically

Using Zapier to subscribe to an RSS feed and curate content automatically is a straightforward process. Here are five steps to set it up effectively:

  1. Create a Zap: Log in to your Zapier account and click “Make a Zap” to create a new automation workflow.
  2. Choose RSS by Zapier as the Trigger App: In the Zap editor, select “RSS by Zapier” as the trigger app. Choose “New Item in Feed” as the trigger event.
  3. Set Up the RSS Feed: Enter the URL of the RSS feed you want to subscribe to. Zapier will fetch sample data to ensure the feed is valid and active.
  4. Configure Action Steps: Configure the action step after setting up the trigger. Choose the app where you want to curate the content. This could be an email service like Gmail, a content management system (CMS) like WordPress, or a social media platform.
  5. Map Data and Test the Zap: Map the RSS feed data fields (e.g., title, link, description) to corresponding fields in the chosen app. Customize the content formatting if necessary. Once configured, test the Zap to ensure it correctly pulls and publishes content from the RSS feed.

Furthermore, curating content can help bloggers save time and effort in creating original content. Instead of constantly churning out new articles, bloggers can supplement their content with curated pieces, providing a more diverse and exciting reading experience for their audience. This can also help bloggers stay current and up-to-date with their niche’s latest trends and developments, as they can easily share relevant content from another source.

How to Curate Content and Subscribe to an RSS feed

  • Subscribe to popular RSS Feeds;
  • Summarize the key points of the best stories from each feed;
  • Create value by adding your opinion or take on the stories;
  • Publish a weekly roundup of content;

Content curation is a powerful tool that can help blogs attract and retain readers, establish authority in a specific niche, and save time and effort in content creation. By incorporating curated content into their blogging strategy, bloggers can enhance the value they provide to their audience and create a more engaging and informative experience for their readers.

Start Reading

With your RSS feed subscribed and organized, you can now start reading the latest content from your chosen websites. Your RSS reader will automatically update with new articles and posts as they’re published, allowing you to stay informed and up-to-date with your favourite content sources or use RSS feeds to maintain strong business relationships and keep track of your competition.

Take Control of Your Time – Subscribe to an RSS Feed Today!

Don’t let the overwhelming amount of information on the internet consume your precious time. By subscribing to an RSS feed, you can easily stay up-to-date with your favourite websites and topics in one convenient place. The tips and tricks outlined in this article will help you streamline your online content consumption and save valuable time. If you’re unsure how to get started or need assistance setting up your RSS feed, don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s take control of our time together – subscribe to an RSS feed today and never miss out on essential updates again!

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