Questions about Me

Are you married?

Honestly, I’ve never been asked this on my website, but I feel like it’s something I should be asked a lot more than I am. Yes, the answer is yes. I also have three kids and four pets at home. When I’m not busy posting about online marketing, I’m sailing and woodworking with them.

What do you sail?

I sail just about anything I can get into, from Laser to Hobie, catamarans to barques.

Where are you located?

I’m in Fort Erie, Canada, on beautiful Lake Erie, across from Buffalo, New York and just south of Niagara Falls, Canada.

What do you do for work?

I’m a teacher focused on adult learning and helping people make the most of new technology regardless of the field they work in. My full bio is available on LinkedIn.

Questions about My Services

What is the name of your company?

I run a handful of companies, but all under the banner of Lakeview Brands.