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How to Generate a Great List of Blog Post Ideas with AI

Generate blog post ideas with AI, discover how implementing artificial intelligence can revolutionize your small business operations, streamline processes, and increase efficiency, ultimately leading to tremendous success and growth in the competitive market.

How Can You Generate Blog Post Ideas with AI?

When you are asked to generate blog post ideas with AI, computer software uses machine learning and natural language models to create the content using complex algorithms. AI engineers have taken time to build complex models to make computer software.

Using AI to blog post ideas with AI: The First Steps

The first step in generating blog post ideas with AI is data collection. AI systems rely on vast amounts of data to learn and develop content. This data can come from various sources, such as databases, websites, social media platforms, etc. The more data an AI system can access, the better it can generate relevant and accurate content.

Generating blog post ideas with ai isn't different than asking your home device to help prepare meals.
Generating blog post ideas with AI isn’t different than asking your home device to help prepare meals.

Next, the AI system uses natural language processing (NLP) techniques to understand and analyze the collected data. NLP allows machines to interpret and generate human language, creating coherent and understandable text. This involves language modelling, text summarization, and sentiment analysis.

Once the data has been analyzed, the AI system uses machine learning algorithms to generate new content. Machine learning algorithms enable machines to learn from the collected data and make predictions based on that data. This allows AI systems to develop content tailored to specific audiences and preferences.

Finally, the AI system uses generative models to create new content. Generative models are a type of machine learning algorithm that can generate new data based on the patterns and structures found in the training data. This allows AI systems to create content that is unique and original.

How to Generate Fresh Blog Post Ideas with AI

AI can also help improve the quality of your blog posts by providing insights into what topics are resonating with your audience. By analyzing user behaviour and engagement metrics, AI can help you create content that is more likely to drive traffic and conversions. Utilizing AI for blog post ideas can help streamline your content creation process, save time and resources, and ultimately improve your blog posts’ overall quality and effectiveness.

Step 1: Create Blog Post Ideas with AI from a Basic Prompt

Working with blog post ideas with AI can help streamline your content creation process, save time and resources, and ultimately improve your blog posts’ overall quality and effectiveness. For example, I could use the following phrase to generate a list of ten ideas for my blog here at

Using the keyword "website designers building wordpress plugins" create ten ideas for a blog post article
Generating blog post ideas with ai can help you create fresh content for your audience.
Generating blog post ideas with AI can help you create fresh content for your audience.

The search results would generate a compilation of fresh and innovative concepts for blog topics within that specific subject.

  1. “The Top 10 Website Designers Building Stunning WordPress Plugins”
  2. “How Website Designers Can Use WordPress Plugins to Enhance User Experience”
  3. “The Future of Website Design: Custom WordPress Plugins by Designers”
  4. “Interview with Top Website Designers on their Approach to Building WordPress Plugins”
  5. “5 Must-Have WordPress Plugins Recommended by Website Designers”
  6. “The Benefits of Hiring Website Designers for Custom WordPress Plugin Development”
  7. “Exploring the Creative Process: How Website Designers Build Unique WordPress Plugins”
  8. “Case Studies: How Website Designers Used WordPress Plugins to Transform Websites”
  9. “The Role of Website Designers in Shaping the WordPress Plugin Ecosystem”
  10. “Tips and Tricks for Website Designers Looking to Develop Their WordPress Plugins”

Step 2: Refine Blog Post Ideas with AI

After identifying a list of blog post ideas with AI that piqued my interest, I can leverage AI technology to further develop and refine these concepts into more tailored ideas for my business. Typically, the initial suggestions generated by AI may lack clarity and require further refinement before they can be utilized as fresh content concepts.

Through this iterative process of using blog post ideas with AI to assist in idea generation, I can effectively enhance the quality and relevance of these concepts to better align with my business objectives, ensuring that the final content produced is engaging and valuable to my target audience. Taking the original list, I can ask the AI to incorporate new ideas or expand on them, for example:

Refine the list to focus on marketing to small businesses.
  1. “10 Ways Small Businesses Can Utilize Custom WordPress Plugins for Marketing
  2. “Marketing Strategies for Small Businesses Using WordPress Plugins”
  3. “How Small Businesses Can Increase Website Traffic with Custom WordPress Plugins”
  4. “The Impact of Custom WordPress Plugins on Small Business Branding”
  5. “Case Studies: Small Businesses Seeing Success with Custom WordPress Plugins”
  6. “Maximizing ROI: Why Small Businesses Should Invest in Custom WordPress Plugins”
  7. “Small Business Growth Hacks: Leveraging WordPress Plugins for Marketing”
  8. “Creating a Competitive Advantage: How Small Businesses Can Stand Out with Custom WordPress Plugins”
  9. “Marketing on a Budget: Affordable WordPress Plugin Options for Small Businesses”
  10. “The Power of Personalization: How Custom WordPress Plugins Can Drive Small Business Marketing Success”
Building blog post ideas with ai is a great way to keep fresh posts on your feed.
Building blog post ideas with ai is a great way to keep fresh posts on your feed.

Three of the numerous ideas generated stand out as ideal topics for website content. I will now use AI technology to reconstruct the list using these ideas. This innovative approach will assist in generating a fresh set of blog post ideas with the help of AI.

Using the following blog post titles, create a list of 10 new articles with great SEO titles designed to help small business owners understand WordPress plugins and how to use them to dominate their local market:

"10 Ways Small Businesses Can Utilize Custom WordPress Plugins for Marketing"
"Small Business Growth Hacks: Leveraging WordPress Plugins for Marketing"
"The Impact of Custom WordPress Plugins on Small Business Branding"

With each cycle iteration, my prompt from the blog post ideas with AI expands and enhances the blog post ideas AI generates for me. This iterative process allows me to refine and develop the content, resulting in a more polished and insightful final product. The continuous growth of my prompt through each cycle iteration enables me to explore new perspectives and possibilities, ultimately improving the quality and depth of my blog posts. Integrating AI technology in this process has proven invaluable in generating innovative and engaging ideas for my blog.

  1. “Maximizing Local SEO with WordPress Plugins: A Small Business Guide”
  2. “Boosting Your Online Presence: How WordPress Plugins Can Help Small Businesses Stand Out”
  3. “Essential WordPress Plugins Every Small Business Owner Should Have”
  4. “Driving Sales: How WordPress Plugins Can Convert Visitors into Customers”
  5. “The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins for Small Business Marketing”
  6. “From Zero to Hero: How WordPress Plugins Can Transform Your Small Business”
  7. “Taking Your Business to the Next Level: Harnessing the Power of WordPress Plugins”
  8. “Crushing the Competition: Using WordPress Plugins to Dominate Your Local Market”
  9. “Small Business Success Secrets: Unleashing the Potential of WordPress Plugins”
  10. “Standing Out in a Crowded Market: Utilizing WordPress Plugins for Small Business Growth”
While getting help generating blog post ideas with ai is a good idea, don't overuse it. There's a point that it becomes... Weird.
While getting help generating blog post ideas with ai is a good idea, don’t overuse it. There’s a point that it becomes … weird.

My primary interest lies in supporting small businesses and helping them boost their sales through expansion. As I carefully review the list of blog post ideas with AI, I envision an article addressing this goal. To achieve this, I must delve deeper into the specific needs and challenges faced by small businesses looking to grow. This may involve conducting interviews with small business owners, researching successful strategies for business expansion, and exploring case studies of companies that have experienced significant growth.

By focusing on these critical aspects, I hope to provide valuable insights and practical advice for small business owners looking to take their business to the next level. The article will aim to offer actionable steps that can be implemented to drive growth and increase sales. Ultimately, I aim to empower small business owners with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed in a competitive market. By sharing my expertise and experiences, I hope to make a meaningful impact on the success of small businesses.

Step 3: Determine the Value of Blog Post Ideas with AI

One tool I’ll use is Google Keyword Planner, which will give me insight into how many people are searching for each keyword of blog post ideas with AI, what the competition looks like, and how much people are willing to pay for advertising related to those keywords. This will give me a good idea of the demand for each idea and help me prioritize which ones to focus on first.

Another tool I’ll use is Google Trends, which will show me how popular each keyword has been over time. This will help me understand if the market for each idea is growing, shrinking, or staying steady.

PhraseKeywordLong Tail Keywords
Maximizing Local SEO with WordPress Plugins: A Small Business GuideLocal SEOImprove local SEO with WordPress plugins
Boosting Your Online Presence: How WordPress Plugins Can Help Small Businesses Stand OutOnline PresenceEnhance online presence with WordPress plugins
Essential WordPress Plugins Every Small Business Owner Should HaveSmall BusinessMust-have WordPress plugins for small business owners
Driving Sales: How WordPress Plugins Can Convert Visitors into CustomersSales ConversionIncrease sales with WordPress plugins
The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins for Small Business MarketingMarketingComplete guide to WordPress plugins for small business
From Zero to Hero: How WordPress Plugins Can Transform Your Small BusinessTransformationTransform your business with WordPress plugins
Taking Your Business to the Next Level: Harnessing the Power of WordPress PluginsBusiness GrowthElevate your business with the power of WordPress plugins
Crushing the Competition: Using WordPress Plugins to Dominate Your Local MarketCompetitionDominate local market with WordPress plugins
Small Business Success Secrets: Unleashing the Potential of WordPress PluginsSuccess SecretsUnlock success secrets with WordPress plugins
Standing Out in a Crowded Market: Utilizing WordPress Plugins for Small Business GrowthMarket GrowthStand out and grow using WordPress plugins
A list of articles, as well as the associated keywords for each.

Using these tools, I can make informed decisions about which ideas have the most potential for success and which may not be worth pursuing. This research will save me time and effort in the long run by helping me focus on the ideas that best resonate with my target audience.

How to generate a great list of blog post ideas with ai
Google keyword planner value for keywords.

As you can see from the image from Google Keyword Planner, while all the keywords are present at some level, determining the best one to write for should be pretty straightforward. Understanding these metrics is crucial when choosing the keywords for my website or online content. The Average Monthly Searches will give me an idea of how popular a particular keyword is, which can help me target topics that are in demand.

The Competition metric will help me assess how difficult it will be to rank for that keyword. If the competition is high, getting my content to appear on the first page of search results may be more challenging. On the other hand, if the competition is low, I may have a better chance of getting my content noticed.

Lastly, the bid range can give me an idea of how much it will cost to advertise using that keyword. Running ads targeting that keyword may be more costly if the bid range is high. However, using that keyword in my advertising campaigns may be more affordable if the bid range is low. Understanding these metrics enables me to make more informed decisions when selecting keywords for my online content. This will ultimately help me drive more traffic to my website and reach a larger audience.

Determine the Largest Market from my Blog Post Ideas with AI

Whether you want the highest traffic prospect is crucial for online marketing and driving traffic to your website. A high website visitor volume can increase brand awareness, lead generation, and potential sales. However, it is essential to remember that not all website traffic is created equal. Some visitors may browse your site without making a purchase, while others may be more likely to convert into paying customers.

To determine if you want the highest traffic prospect, it is essential to analyze the quality of that traffic. You may want to consider factors such as the demographics of your visitors, their behaviour on your site, and their likelihood of making a purchase. Using tools like Google Analytics, you can track these metrics and gain insights into the effectiveness of your marketing efforts in driving high-quality traffic to your site.

Based on the data above, if I’m looking to build my audience, the most popular phrases are:

  • completion;
  • marketing;
  • small business;

Determine the Highest Profit Potential from my Blog Post Ideas with AI

While high website traffic may be desirable, it does not always guarantee high profits. Focusing solely on increasing traffic without considering the revenue potential may not be the most effective strategy for maximizing profits. Instead, it is essential to evaluate the quality of the traffic and its potential for generating revenue.

When maximizing profits, it is essential to focus on attracting visitors more likely to convert into paying customers. This means targeting relevant keywords, creating compelling content, and optimizing your website for conversions. By analyzing conversion rates, average order value, and customer lifetime value, you can identify opportunities to increase profitability and drive sustainable growth for your business.

Using Google Keyword Planner and Blog Post Ideas with AI

Google Keyword Planner is a valuable tool that can help you determine the difference between targeting the highest traffic prospect and focusing on the potentially highest profit. Using this tool, you can research and analyze keywords related to your business and industry to understand each keyword’s search volume, competition, and potential profitability.

To calculate the difference between the two approaches, you can compare the search volume of high-traffic keywords with their conversion rates and potential profitability. By identifying keywords with a high search volume and a strong likelihood of generating revenue, you can develop a targeted keyword strategy that drives traffic and profits for your business. Additionally, Google Keyword Planner can provide insights into the cost per click for each keyword, helping you to optimize your advertising budget and maximize returns on your marketing investment.

Determining the Value of a Keyword for Article Targeting When creating content for a website or blog, targeting the right keywords is essential for driving traffic and reaching the desired audience. By analyzing the average monthly searches and lowest and highest bids for specific keywords, you can calculate the value of a keyword and prioritize which ones to target in your article.

How Google Keyword Planner Calculates Keyword Value Google Keyword Planner is a powerful tool that can help you determine the value of a keyword by providing data on average monthly searches, competition levels, and bid estimates. To calculate the value of a specific keyword, you can use the following math formula:

Value of Keyword = (Average Monthly Searches) x (Highest Bid – Lowest Bid)

In this formula, the average monthly searches represent the level of demand for a particular keyword, while the difference between the highest and lowest bids indicates the keyword’s competitiveness. By multiplying these two factors, you can determine your article’s estimated value of targeting that keyword.

For example, let’s say you are considering targeting the keyword “success secrets” in your blog post. According to Google Keyword Planner, the average monthly searches for this keyword are between 10K and 100K, so we’ll average this to half to the range. The highest bid is $1.37, and the lowest is $0.53. Plugging these values into the formula:

Value of Keyword = (50,000) x ($1.37 – $0.52)
Value of Keyword = (50,000) x ($0.85)
Value of Keyword = $42,500

Based on this calculation, your article’s estimated value of targeting the keyword “success secrets” is $$42,500. This means there is a high level of demand for this keyword, and advertisers are willing to pay a significant amount to bid on it. The following chart demonstrates the value of each keyword of the blog post ideas with AI.

KeywordAvg. monthly searchesTop of-page bid (low range)Top of page bid (high range)Top of-page bid (high range)
business growth50,000$0.45$7.08$331,500
local seo50,000$2.14$20.75$930,500
market growth5,000$0.47$4.56$20,450
online presence5,000$2.91$19.83$84,600
sales conversion5,000$0.61$10.92$51,550
small business500,000$0.49$9.54$4,525,000
success secrets50,000$0.52$1.37$42,500
The value of ten keywords, according to Google Keyword Planner

If I’m comparing the most valuable keywords to write for, they are:

  • marketing ($19m)
  • completion ($17m)
  • small business (4.5m)

Using Google Keyword Planner on the blog post ideas with AI and applying the math formula mentioned above, you can effectively assess the value of different keywords and prioritize which ones to target in your content. This strategic approach will help you attract more traffic to your website and improve your overall search engine rankings and visibility online.

With this new knowledge in mind, I can now go back to that AI to improve the ideas and focus on the three most popular keywords:

Rewrite the following titles with an SEO focus that must use the keywords "completion, marketing, small business" to generate 10 new article titles:

The Ultimate Guide to WordPress Plugins for Small Business Marketing
Crushing the Competition: Using WordPress Plugins to Dominate Your Local Market
Essential WordPress Plugins Every Small Business Owner Should Have

And the results are?

  1. Top 10 WordPress Plugins for Small Business Marketing Success
  2. Maximizing Small Business Marketing with WordPress Plugin Completion
  3. How to Boost Your Small Business Marketing with WordPress Plugin Strategies
  4. Mastering Small Business Marketing: The Power of WordPress Plugin Completion
  5. The Role of WordPress Plugins in Small Business Marketing Completion
  6. Small Business Marketing: Achieving Success through WordPress Plugin Utilization
  7. Unlocking Small Business Marketing Potential with Essential WordPress Plugins
  8. Enhancing Small Business Marketing Strategies with WordPress Plugin Completion
  9. The Impact of WordPress Plugins on Small Business Marketing Completion
  10. Small Business Marketing Mastery: Leveraging WordPress Plugins for Success

While the blog post ideas with AI presented here are still in their infancy, the potential for success is undeniable. With a target audience of 10 million readers and an estimated market value of over $42 million, there is clear evidence of these concepts’ appeal and potential profitability. By continuing to focus on serving a specific market niche, there is great potential for growth and success in the future.

As I work to develop these ideas further and bring them to fruition, I am excited about the possibility of reaching even more readers and making a significant impact in the industry. With dedication, hard work, and a clear vision, I am confident that these ideas have the potential to become a valuable and successful addition to the market. Thank you for considering these concepts, and I look forward to the opportunity to develop and refine them further in the future.

Unleash Your Creativity with AI-Powered Blog Post Ideas

Are you ready to take your blog to the next level with the help of artificial intelligence? The ideas presented in this article will inspire and guide you in creating engaging and original content that will captivate your audience. Don’t let writer’s block hold you back any longer – let AI be your muse and start writing blog posts that will drive traffic and boost your brand’s reach. Feel free to contact us if you need any assistance or guidance. Let’s revolutionize your blog together!

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